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Nightcap onboarded 47 venues and 11 brands to 24social within 4 months.

The 24social platform has significantly enhanced our digital marketing operations at Nightcap. The intuitive and modern interface has allowed us to efficiently publish content across our eleven brands at speed, allowing us to spend more time analysing users on our sites to make further improvements. The new pieces of content, alongside a redesigned user journey, have demonstrated positive results in both session and conversion rate increases. With new website designs for all our brands launched within just 4 months, the 24social customer success team has been responsive to our individual needs and has been willing to incorporate change on their CMS platform too. We are extremely pleased with the results we've achieved using 24social and look forward to further advancing our efforts with future projects.
Sam Hawker
Head of Digital


Before using the 24social platform, Nightcap faced several operational challenges in managing their brands, which were powered by multiple platforms and providers. The process of updating content was time-consuming, leading to delays in making content live. Additionally, their websites were not optimised for automatic bookings, which hindered their efficiency. The overall costs were high due to the involvement of multiple providers, and the performance and reliability of the websites were inconsistent.


Nightcap was successfully onboarded onto the 24social platform, leveraging its headless nature to share central events and promotions across multiple locations within a brand or the entire business. This approach provided a single source of truth, eliminating the need for numerous agencies and reducing complexity. The company transitioned to a simple subscription-based pricing model offered by 24social, which streamlined their costs.

The platform enhanced security and reliability by incorporating the latest technology, including SSL as part of the pricing model. A key highlight for customers; all of Nightcap's brand websites were redesigned to ensure a balance between design consistency and individuality while improving online sessions and conversion rates.


We ran a comprehensive design phase that was completed within 4 weeks, collaborating closely with Nightcap's marketing and brand teams. During this phase, we provided design examples for all their brands, utilising existing 24social UI components and creating custom components to meet specific customer needs.

The development of the websites took 8 weeks, during which we connected to third-party services like Design My Night, Tonic, Soda, and Access’ Acetol CRM. We were able to input content and provide preview links for stakeholders to review very early in the process.

We launched one brand at a time, focusing on quality and thorough testing to ensure the content was as good as possible before going live.


Nightcap has experienced higher conversion rates and increased sessions on their websites since implementing the 24social platform. They have been able to launch campaigns more quickly than before, and the customer success team has facilitated further website development, enhancing their overall digital marketing efforts.


24social is the leading content platform for hospitality. It enables pub companies to improve both internal operations and their overall customer experience. Our platform is ever-evolving and with regular feature updates, continues to deliver useful and practical solutions to our customers.

If you would like to discuss onboarding your business with 24social please use the link below to start a “no sales attached” conversation with us about your current state of play.