Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated:

March 6, 2025

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This Acceptable Use Policy:

  • Forms part of the Agreement for 24social Products.
  • Applies to all use of the 24social Products.

Conditions of Use

The Customer shall not:

  • Permit anyone to access the 24social Product who is not an End User.
  • Access, store, distribute, or transmit any software, code, file, or program that may prevent, impair, or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the 24social Product (including worms, Trojan horses, viruses, or other similar things or devices).
  • Submit any material to the 24social Product that:
    • Is harmful, discriminatory, threatening, defamatory, obscene, infringing, harassing, or offensive.
    • Is submitted unlawfully (including in breach of data privacy laws or confidentiality) or facilitates illegal activity.
    • Is incomplete, inaccurate, or intended to deceive.
    • Could cause damage or injury to any person or property.
  • Incorporate any script language or internet bots that may adversely impact the operation of the 24social Product.
  • Copy, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, or make error corrections to the 24social Product, except where mandatory applicable law requires otherwise and where 24social is not prepared to:
    • Carry out necessary decompilation in return for a reasonable fee; or
    • Provide the information reasonably sufficient to negate the necessity for decompilation.
  • Attempt to circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the 24social Product (including features that enforce restrictions or prevent copying).
  • Access the 24social Product in order to build a product or service (or assist a third party in doing so) that competes with the 24social Product or the business of 24social.
  • Use the 24social Product to provide services to third parties in a manner not reasonably contemplated by the relevant 24social Product specification, without permission from 24social.
  • Remove 24social’s trademark, copyright notice, or any other proprietary notice from the 24social Product.