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Content Management: Progress Update - It's Close!

Our content tools have been in the works since Christmas and we're nearing completion! We're super excited to be putting the finishing touches on our initial release of this major feature so come back to our blog soon to check for more updates!
May 23, 2023
Content Management: Progress Update - It's Close!

Our core platform development team have been hard at work since Christmas creating our amazing suite of content tools which will be rolled out to all customers on the 24social platform in the coming weeks.

Content can come in various formats which is why we're making sure that all scenarios that our customers require can be catered for when using the content tools on the platform.

One of the most important areas of content management, especially at scale is being able to easily visualize the hierarchy and status of many pieces of content. Being that 24social is specifically designed for the hospitality industry, we've made it super easy to create content forms quickly that make sense to the teams using our dashboard.

Here is a quick peek of the content form builder screen in action...

With a number of content field types to choose from along the right hand side, users can select what content they need when it's required. Of course all of these can be configured in a number of ways but more to come on that note in our official content release notes.

Keep an eye out for updates to this page and our social media channels so that you can be the first to make the most of our content tools.

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