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September Product Update: Custom Place Manager Permission Groups & UI Block Visibility!

September 1, 2024

Custom Place Manager Permission Groups

We have added the ability to create custom place manager groups. This is a big timesaver if you want to give access to a lot of venue manager users with the same permissions of what they can edit. What’s exciting about this implementation is that you can also override an individual users settings even if they are already part of a permission group!

UI Block Visibility

With our new UI block visibility tool, users can create a single UI block that can be applied to however many places necessary. This is super handy if you have slightly different messaging between places or different media.

New Gallery UI Block

We’ve had several requests to create a gallery UI block that is easy to use in the CMS and displays a neat set of images on front-end websites. Users can now add a Gallery UI Block to any piece of content with any number of images.

Bugs, Fixes & Smaller Improvements

New Feature: Added a new simple Image UI Block.

New Feature: Allow dynamic tags in Rich Text Editor buttons.

New Feature: Added min/max validation for Rich Text Editors.

New Feature: Styling Controls to Channels.

New Feature: Ability to nest repeaters.

New Feature: Added a hide from sitemap checkbox to our SEO component.

New Feature: Ability to highlight text to the Rich Text Editor.

New Feature: Content alignment to our Card & Call to Action UI Blocks.

Improvement: Rich Text Editor buttons to always default to primary.

Improvement: Improved repeater input field to allow for users to add another repeater within it.

Improvement: Improved our Social UI Block to allow you to pick what social icons to display.

Fix: Padding issue around multi-select fields.

Fix: Overflow issue on the channels re-direct page.

Fix: Avatars not loading.

Fix: Page title was missing on certain content items.

Fix: Delete modal sometimes didn’t close when deleting items.

Fix: Alignment with reference texts.